Collection: Design Outdoor Benches

Discover our benches for gardens, terraces and public spaces. They are the ideal choice since they are resistantent is to the intemperie, a la radiacion UV, to los insectos, a the corrosion and a the cambios de temperatura. Isor meantto that the mobiliaryio de jardín de resina puede resistgo todas las inclemencias del tiempo without the necesity de tratamiento o maint inimientor regular.

In addition, our foreign banks son muy ligeros, what what los hace fáciles of mover. Esto meantto that puedis cambiar the dispos icion of your outer space with fac ilidad y sin esfuerzo . Ademmore, the bancos of resina for outside are muy duraderos since they are designed for e l intensive use in public spaces. Estor los hace ato excelente inversi on for hereellos that isan buscando mobiliario de jardin duradero .

Thanks to their textured and smooth surface they are muy fácil of cleaniar, what that meantto que puedis disfrutar de tu mobiliario de jardín sin preocupart by the cleaning. Give an elegant touch to your outdoor space with these benches with a modern design suitable for outdoor use.